Dry blowing is a blowing method using dry ice instead of traditional blowing agents such as water and sand. Dry blow removal removes coatings such as oil, grease, paint, glue, soda and coke.
The advantage of dry ice blowing is that you can blow directly on running items such as electrical installations and other machines without a shutdown. In addition, there is much less clean-up and safety hazard in dry ice than in other types of blow-outs such as sandblasting or high-pressure cleaning.
Awards Cleaning with dry ice blasting is not abrasive and live
Tøris is carbon dioxide in solid form as a pill, and dry ice has a temperature of -79 ° C at atmospheric pressure. This means that dry ice must be handled very carefully, but dry ice blowing is odorless, non-toxic and non-combustible. In other words, it is a dry and non-current method, and therefore the method can be used on electric motors, electrical circuits and other water-sensitive equipment.